Extreme Remediation & Cleaning Association

Thank you for joining our association!

What Can I Do at this Site?

Where Do I Find the Directory & Portal?

There are two main sections of this website.

DIRECTORY – You may choose to advertise in our association directory, it’s free. We do have a paid listing package that provides for more options.

MEMBERSHIP PORTAL – You should enter the portal and update your listing. Have fun with it. Load some pictures, videos, etc. Talk with other members and make friends. When the time comes that you need help with your business or some advice, this will be a great place to come. Maybe you’ll need a few extra employees to work a big hoarding job. Through your connections with other businesses, you could find that help here in the member’s portal.

DIRECTORY – Click your user name and you’ll see “Dashboard” and “Update Profile”. Go ahead and update your information here. Other than that, this section won’t show too much until you decide to “Add Listing”. This link is right next to your user name. Once you add a listing to the directory, the Dashboard will be the area in which you can edit your listing, view invoices, etc. NOTE: When in the dashboard on a desktop computer, click the logo in the top left hand of the screen to exit to the home page of this site. Eventually, we’ll add a home button on the desktop version like what you see on the mobile version of this dashboard.

MEMBERSHIP PORTAL – To access the member portal, click “Member Portal” from the menu. Once you arrive at your portal, click the dropbox next to your name on the right side of the screen (or under your picture if viewing on a mobile device). From here, you can update your information or view your “Stream”, which is your main page. You may also click on “Members” to view all members in the association who have elected to use the portal.

Just a Few More Things!

  1. This website is a work in progress. We’re going to constantly look for new features and other resources that will enhance your time at ERCA.Global
  2. Feel free to use our association logo on your website, social media sites and print advertising. This logo, in different sizes and formats, is available through the “photos” section of the member’s portal. Remember, membership with a legitimate & professional industry association lends a sense of legitimacy and purpose to your company. Displaying the association logo on your website and social media accounts may help you to attract more business.
  3. The ERCA Directory will be indexed by search engines. People looking for biohazard remediation, crime scene cleanup and hoarding services (along with the other services you can sign up for) will be viewing companies listed through this directory. One job from this directory will more than pay for the $155 per year Gold Plan.
  4. We’re going to create more learning content. Some of this will be free and some paid training. We’ll have a link on the main page for training opportunities.